Intentional Culture Development

Intentional Culture Development

Is it time to refresh or redefine your culture?

Your turn-over is creeping up, your engagement scores have decreased, and people are feeling lost and a bit disconnected. This could be because people are unsure of the culture and how to be successful within the organization. You feel your culture needs a review, a refresh, or more intentionality in our changing society, we can review your current culture and propose some changes big or small.

Our services include facilitating and leading Vision, Mission, Purpose conversations along with conducting cultural assessments. We can review, revitalize, or create values to match the Vision and Mission. We will then define behaviors and skills to live the values along with collecting stories of what good looks like.

We can embed values and culture into your employee value proposition, recruiting, onboarding, and performance management processes, policies, and manager and leadership skills programs and rewards strategy.

How You Engage With Us?

Email us at with your business need or problem and how to reach you. We will get in touch within two business days to have a complimentary discovery call.